Welcome to the Magick of Astrology!

Join me as I do a deep dive into who you really are!

Hi! My name is Sinead Fine and I am known for revealing magick to people.

Their own magick!

Each one of us is totally unique and it is such a joy when we finally know what we want. Our Birth Chart is a blue print of our life, giving us the ability to walk the right path.

Understanding my Birth Chart radically changed my life. With my Moon in Gemini in the 10th house of career and my Sun in the 3rd house of communication, I finally understood why I was here. My Ascendant in Virgo told me exactly how to do it.

It was such a relief also to finally accept myself for who I was - with all my challenges. Yet I also saw my superpowers highlighted and I was able to change course and focus on what works in my life.

It is my passion in life to bring people home to themselves - I do this through mentoring, teaching, Tarot AND Astro Chart reading.

An Ancient System brought into Everyday Life

Astrology began with the ancients and has been carried through the ages to this moment.

Astrology is making a comeback because many of us are seeking answers.

  • Why am I here?
  • What am I meant to do?
  • Why does this keep happening?
  • How can I manifest what I want?
  • How can I understand myself better?
  • How can I have healthy relationships?

Knowing our Birth Chart can give us those answers

Astro Magick

2 Hour Zoom Session

Investment $333

Pay in full or Payment Plans available.

To book a session or ask more questions, simply email Sinead via her


I loved my birth chart session with Sinead.

She was so kind, informative and practical in her reading. Sinead has a way of explaining things that just make sense. 

Lynne Newman

Parenting Counsellor / Educator

Your Destiny

Various parts of your chart will tell you why you are here. Why you came back into this body in this lifetime. Then you can go and fulfill your destiny.


You were born with specific skills and qualities. Your chart reveals them clearly. What a relief to finally utilize them.


Call it karma or simply hard moments in our life. Knowing our trials can help us have self compassion and understanding. Then the courage to make the necessary changes.

Lisa Fox

Confidence Queen

Creator of The Confidence Queen Archetypes TM

People can find me at

Lisa Fox

I have fierce big dreams and a huge ambition to change the world with my business and make a lot of money. When I heard Sinead was giving birth chart readings I booked her in. I wanted to see who I really am and how to handle myself and my business better.


Having my birth chart read gave me deep insights into myself and my business. Lots of the stuff I knew deep down but the validation of hearing it and knowing I was on my destiny path gave me renewed determination and belief that I could really do what I was setting out to do.


I highly recommend Sinead because her birth chart reading really helped me accelerate and achieve my goals faster and stop the doubts and questioning that held me back and was slowing me down. For example in August 2022 I reached my yearly goal of quarter of a million in sales in a brand new business that I only started 18 months ago.

Bottom line: it amplified my trust in myself.

Anna Anderson

Entrepreneur and Transformational Coach

People can find me at my website Anna Anderson

Sinead is extremely gifted at what she does. I experienced a Chart Reading with her and it was incredibly powerful in helping me understand who I am, my purpose, the hurdles I have faced and how to work with them. It was so helpful, my Mum also had one as well and she found exactly the same. An incredibly beautiful, validating and eye-opening experience. I highly recommend signing up to an Astro Magick session with Sinead. Love Anna xxx

Avi Reinstein

Multidisciplinary Artist/Group Facilitator Founder of A.V.I.

People can find me at my website Creative Arts

I recently had an astrological reading with Sinead, and it was an amazing experience.

During our two-hour session, Sinead explained different parts of my life and how the stars influence them. Her insights were interesting and helped me understand more about my life's path.

This reading was a wonderful gift from my friends in my men's circle, and it turned out to be a special present which became a traditional present in our circle . Sinead's knowledge and intuition are really impressive. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for meaningful astrological insights.

Sinead is simply a genius!

Brona Malone

'Power in You' Life Coach

People can find me at

Brona Malone

Getting my birth chart done with Sinead was so eye opening, both for me, my business and the key relationships in my life. 


Firstly, it gave me a greater understanding of myself, my needs and my inner workings. This in turn has led to increased self acceptance and compassion. It's also given me a type of personal strategy that I can draw on. I'm now aware of how I can get in my own way and likewise, the parts of myself to call on to get me out of my own way to move forward. 


( And I was already pretty clued in so this is really saying something.. )


I highly recommend Sinead. She's got a great big heart and it really shines through her work. 

Kate Sedon

Pregnancy, Motherhood and Birth Trauma Coach and Hyponotherapist

People can find me at my website:

Kate Sedon

Sinead is so incredibly talented and accurate at her readings. Within minutes she confirmed my life's purpose in my chart AND matched my business mission statement written on my whiteboard! This happened multiple times when reading my chart!

Deep down I know what I am here to do but prior to my reading I had felt a little lost in the direction of my business. My reading has made me understand myself so much more and given insight into navigating some of my not so helpful traits. I would recommend everyone have a Astro Magick chart reading with Sinead at least once in their life as it has by far, been one of the most insightful personal development experiences for my business but more importantly, my life.

Astro Magick

2 Hour Zoom Session

Investment $333

Pay in full or Payment Plans available.

Jaxon Peterson

Jungian Coach

People can find me at


I came to Sinead with a question: should I pursue a career as a therapist? In true Sinead fashion, I got more than I could have imagined. Sinead was able to look at my natal chart and, in a way I didn't expect, look into my soul. In two hours, I knew more about myself than I realized was possible, and I walked away with unwavering knowledge about my path — becoming a therapist isn't the path for me, but moving forward with Jungian coaching would be the best approach. 

Emily Katz

Organizational Consultant

People can find me at

Emily Katz

Last week I had a birth chart reading by the beautiful Sinead Fine, founder of Tarot for Women and this was something I was SOOOOO excited to do and I was NOT disappointed!!!!
The reading was so validating and helpful that I’m working on collaborating with her to offer her readings to my group program members! 


I genuinely believe that anyone who’s on a self healing, self actualizing journey and is ready to know themselves deeply and discover their true path - they should get a reading.

I cannot stop telling people about it.

Thank you Sinead- it’s exactly what I hoped for and needed. 

Ron Freund

Founder of Omnitherapy - Psychotherapy through the Body

People can find me at:


The conversation with Sinead was fascinating. In two fluid and pleasant hours she unfolded before me the map of challenges and forces that make up my life. 

Sinead thinks in terms of process and learning so that there is nothing absolute "from heaven", but data that can be worked with, changed through and understand more clearly about how to move in life towards prosperity. The conversation with her helped me clarify my choices at a significant junction in my life and for that I thank her very much.

We are all born with choices that come about due to the gifts and challenges that life brings.

Astrology can help you make the right choice!

Kaz Olive

Intuitive Healer / Counsellor / Coach

People can find me at


Sinead’s Birth Chart reading blew my mind!!!

I feel like I got to know myself on a whole deeper level.

Sinead has a gift in being able to pull out what I need in that moment and share some valuable insights that have helped me overcome some challenges I had been experiencing.

I recommend Sinead to all my soul sisters because she is simply a truly gifted and hearty woman.

My head just blew off my body!

EVERYTHING you see is me.


Louanne xxx

Megan Kruger

Fitness & Life Coach

People can find me at


A few months ago, a business coach suggested having my birth chart done with astrology so that I could get a better sense of my strengths and weaknesses.  


It was really helpful to delve deeper into the planets, what they rule, the placement of planets in different houses and my key things like my moon sign and ascendant. 


I've often wondered why some things are easy, some things are harder and why other things never cross my mind at all. Having a deeper understanding of my financial and business strengths from an astrological point of view has helped me to work more effectively to grow my business. 


Getting a birth chart reading through the lens of entrepreneurship is extremely valuable. It will help you tailor the way you set goals, move forward and navigate your strengths and weaknesses. 


I definitely recommend getting your Birth Chart read.

Avital Rozen

Professional Tarot Reader / Quantum Healer

People can find me at


Sinead's Astrological chart reading was spot on!

Suddenly so many things in my life make sense! Like getting a huge torch and lighting up my characteristics. Better than a SWOT analysis!

I also got a clear, down to earth, practical picture of where I am right now, and why my life path has led me this way; together with a wide, in-depth vision of how and where I can develop more, to make the best out of myself and my life.

Having this map has made it crystal clear, and encouraged me to make new steps, meet my fears, and meet my life fully. 

Sinead knows how to connect the dots in such a magical way. I super recommend getting your own map, give yourself this gift of self knowledge.  

Asa Nilsson

Life Coach and Podcaster

People can find me at:

More Moss to the People

This is a MUST for any human being that is searching for answers about themselves and who they 'truly' are. And who isn't looking for that??

Find your way back home...

Parminder Randhawa

Yoga Teacher

I've always been into tarot and had a lot of readings but recently felt I wanted to learn more about myself & my birth chart so I booked in with Sinead.

OMG I learnt more about myself in those 2 hours then I have ever!

She was amazingly accurate about my life and the way I am, explaining everything so simply. She answered questions I never even knew I was seeking answers for! Since the birth chart things have subtly began to change for me, as if I've suddenly realized my true purpose, so things in my life have just began to change for the better. I've never felt closer to my husband & kids and there's this sense of peace and happiness in our lives, that is just beautiful.

I would definitely recommend a birth chart reading if you want to make lasting changes in your life by truly discovering you first, its just amazing.

Gilad Zohar

Shamanic Teacher / Dream Mentor / Individual and Couple Therapist

People can find me at:

Gilad Zohar

Thank you for the journey you gave me. It was very opening.

I couldn't put my finger on the point exactly of confusion so I could work with it. After the reading, suddenly it was clear, like someone took a veil off. The understanding, the clearness that came was the first step to creating the change. Very empowering.

I thought to myself, 'Wow! How does she know all these things about me - you cannot find them on Google! It created a trust in the process and the ability to grow in front of the mirror that you gave me. Thank you!

Cynthia Rose King

Healer, Mystic, Guide

People can find me at my website:

Healers Light

Having my birth chart done by Sinead was the best gift I ever gave myself for my birthday.

Wish I had done it 30 years ago!

If you are thinking about it – just go for it – it can bring so much insight, clarity and wisdom. 

Colleen Tracey

Life Coach

People can find me at my website:


For my birthday I gave myself the gift of a birth chart reading.

I've always wanted to have one done, but I was waiting for the right person to come along. Sinead is that person. She is incredibly loving, knowledgeable, and intuitive. She gave me just the right amount of information to help me understand my sky picture, and loads of insight to help me use that information to continue to fulfill my potential.

The soul's journey in this life is one of continual striving. A birth chart reading in the hands of Sinead is both confirming and inspiring. I highly recommend it!

To book a session or ask more questions, simply email Sinead via her